What's Inside

A science that the only difference between achievers and non-performers is the attitude to search for possibilities and the moment one questions barriers and looks for opportunities, the doors to achievement open up. The case studies provoke action to look at problems as a challenge to achievement and as a possibility to greater success rather than as a roadblock.

  • The Common Factor In Possibility Creators

  • Questioning Comfort Zones

  • Lateral Thinking

  • Important versus Urgent Mindsets

  • Different Kinds of Problems and What to do

  • Defying Security

Course curriculum

    1. Possibility Search Attitude

    1. Reflections

    1. Slide Deck

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Your Instructor

Dr. Chetan Walia

PhD. Chartered FCIPD

Dr. Chetan Walia has authored over 10 books including a textbook on Strategy for advanced studies. He is published in peer reviewed journals He has been published by 3 of the Top-5 non fiction publishers in the world.

What People Are Saying

“Fascinating presentation this... Thank you so much.”


“Having gone through this course twice, I am starting to see how to see possibilities. Thank you for these insights.”


“Very deep and insightful as all your work!”


“After listening to this, I believe I can surpass any mountain. Wow. What energy.”



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    These courses are designed to help you grow. If after registering and going through a couple of lessons you realize it’s not the right fit, no worries! We will provide you with a full refund within the first 30 days of trying the course and with less than 25% of the course completed.

  • How long is my access?

    Lifetime. Enjoy :)

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